(145452) 2005 RN43, esoteric energy
(145452) 2005 RN43 is a Kuiper belt object with Kozai resonance (inclination of 19º) discovered in September of 2005. It has a diameter of about 730 km. It has a perihelion of 40.6 AU and an aphelion of 42.5 AU. There is a prediscovery image back to 1954.
(145452) 2005 RN43 is related with unconscious activity like in the terror movies "La monja (The Nun)" (2005) and "Shrooms" (2007).
Reading the esoteric energy of people or objects
When this ability it is made conscious can be used to practise tarot, selecting and picking up the upside-down tarot card that connects with the situation or the question formulated. Also (145452) 2005 RN43 can be use to read the esoteric energy of people or objects, like the psychometric of a jewel (that was long used for a individual).Related movies: "The Ring" (1999), Dark Water" (2005), "The Lovely Bones" (2009).
Edgar Cayce has (145452) 2005 RN43 in Virgo, in the 1st House and in the 1st Moon Node House, near the Crossing Point of the Age Progressions (House Horoscope / Moon Node Horoscope). Edgar Cayce made spiritual readings while he was in a state of deep trance during hypnosis.
Bruno Huber has Uranus in the Crossing Point of the Age Progressions (Moon Node Horoscope / Basis Horoscope). Uranus in Aries square Saturn and 2005 RR43 in Capricorn describes the struggle in the development of his Huber method of psychological astrology by the combination of the incompatible fields of psychology as a science and the traditional astrology as a tool. But the successful resolution of this square comes from the intuition of 2005 RN43 in Scorpio in quincunx/semisextile with the axis of the CP-MNH/BH, which completes the 'big learning triangle'. In a transcribed conference of the year 1997, Bruno Huber described how 2005 RN43 works in his house horoscope:
?Sometimes I'm sitting in front of a person, with his horoscope, and I still don't know what to say. Then a look at that person and I start talking, maybe about the weather or something superficial to connect with the life of that person. I go back to the horoscope, again return talking, and then, emerges some kind of 'flash' that points: 'Ah! This over here, that over there!?
2005 Ca79, What Needs To Be Hidden To Allow Your Plans Keep Going?
2005 CA79 is a twotino discovered in February of 2005. It has a perihelion of 37.1 AU and an aphelion of 59.1 AU (scattered disc object with low aphelion). It has a diameter of about 305 km. There is a prediscovery image back to the year 2001. The...
(202421) 2005 Uq513, Spiritual Values And Ideals
The main theme with (202421) 2005 UQ513 is the personal formulation of spiritual values and ideals (Edgar Cayce), like in the movies "The Greatest Game Ever Played" (2005), "Blue Crash" (2002), "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" (2001),...
(145451) 2005 Rm43, Teamwork Cooperation
(145451) 2005 RM43 is a scattered disc object discovered in September of 2005. It has a diameter of about 580 km. It has a perihelion of 35.1 AU and an aphelion of 148.3 AU (scattered disc object with very high aphelion). There is a prediscovery image...
(144897) 2004 Ux10, Protocols Of Action
(144897) 2004 UX10 is a plutino discovered in October of 2004. It has a diameter of about 530 km. It has a perihelion of 37.4 AU and an aphelion of 40.9 AU. There are prediscovery images back to July of 1954 and August of 1953. (144897) 2004 UX10 creates...
(60558) Echeclus In Mike Brown's Moon Node Horoscope During The Discovery Of (136108) Haumea
Michael E. Brown (born June 5, 1965) has the centaur Echeclus conjunct Pluto and Deucalion in Virgo in the cusp of the 10th house of the Moon Node Horoscope. The Age Point in the Moon Node Horoscope (AP-MNH) made a golden aspect (68.75º) and a quintil...