(174567) 2003 MW12 [Varda], moon discovered

(174567) 2003 MW12 [Varda], moon discovered

A moon of (174567) 2003 MW12 [Varda] was discovered in April of 2009 and reported in 2011.

In October of 2009 was released the movie "Paranormal Activity" (2007). The movie "The Resident" (2011) is also related with privacy, the main theme of (174567) 2003 MW12

- (174567) Varda, J.r.r. Tolkien Mythology For 2003 Mw12
In January of 2014, (174567) 2003 MW12 was named (174567) Varda. In J.R.R. Tolkien's mythology, Varda is the queen of the stars, the star-kindler. She is the deity who, prior to the birth of the first humans, created the stars and constellations....

- (174567) Varda, Emotions That Go With Consciousness When The Additional Channels Of Communication And Interaction Are Discovered
(174567) Varda is related with changes in the state of privacy, like in the movie "Friday the 13th" (1980), when one of the girls in the group thinks she saw someone in the forest, on the other side of the lake, watching them. In fact, this principle...

- (136120) 2003 Lg7, Understanding, More And More Deeply, The True Nature Of Another Person
(136120) 2003 LG7 is a 1:3 resonant scattered disc object discovered in June of 2003. It has a perihelion of 32.4 AU and an aphelion of 93.6 AU. It has a diameter of about 115 km. The social intelligence of (136120) 2003 LG7 is related with understanding,...

- (120178) 2003 Op32, Spider Trap
(120178) 2003 OP32 is a classical Kuiper belt object discovered in July of 2003 (about 230 km). It has a perihelion of 38.6 AU and an aphelion of 48.0 AU; the argument of perihelion is at 7º53' Gemini (golden aspect, 68º45'; 52' orb). It...

- (84922) 2003 Vs2, Responsible Use Of Power
(84922) 2003 VS2 is a plutino discovered in November of 2003. It has a diameter of about 530 km. It has a perihelion of 36.4 AU and an aphelion of 42.9 AU; the argument of perihelion is at 24º17' Cancer. It has an inclination of 14.8º, with the...

