(38628) Huya, healing of past lives

(38628) Huya, healing of past lives

(38628) Huya is a plutino discovered in March of 2000 and named in August of 2003. It has a diameter of about 500 km. It has a perihelion of 28.6 AU and an aphelion of 50.9 AU; the argument of perihelion is at 7º35' Gemini (68º45', golden aspect; 1º10' orb). It has an inclination of 15.5º, with the ascending node at 19º18' Virgo. There is a prediscovery image back to April of 1996.

In South America mythology, Juyá is one of the most representative gods in the infra-world of the Wayuu Indians of Venezuela. As such it is associated with the rain and winter, and lives in the celestial altitudes beyond the sun.

All characters in the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" (2000), have the possibility of be happy by living a true life, but for an incompressible reason --because there is not an external impediment-- they avoid that course.

At the end of the movie "Sinbad: The Legend of the Seven Seas" (2003), Proteus tells Marina:

PROTEUS: "Just another uneventful day in Syracuse... You know, I stood here with a woman once, she looked over the ocean and wished she could sail beyond the horizon. She saw... such wonder."

MARINA: "And what happend to this woman?"
PROTEUS: "She got her chance. She sailed the seas, and she fell in love."
MARINA: "(Sighs) Proteus, I..."
PROTEUS: "Marina, follow your heart. Mine is here in Syracuse. Yours... yours is sailing with the next tide."
MARINA: "(Sighing): Oh, Proteus." 

(38628) Huya is related with the transformation of fixed patterns from past lives into a free and flexible expression of life. There is a very interesting description in the book of Annie Marquier (2000): "Free Your Self: Releasing Your Unconscious Defence Patterns", or in the book of Daniel Meurois (1999): "Karmic Diseases".

(38628) Huya is also related with psychological therapy, especially with the elimination of mental virus, like in the movies "American Beauty" (1999),
"Kirikou and the Sorceress" (1998), "28 Days" (2000) and "Ugly Coyote" (2000).

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