1999 CD158, experience in both sides of the coin.

1999 CD158, experience in both sides of the coin.

1999 CD158 is a 4:7 resonant Kuiper belt object discovered in February of 1999. It has a perihelion of 37.6 AU and an aphelion of 49.9 AU. It has a diameter of about 420 km.

Related movies: "Tarzan" (1999), "Six Sense" (1999), "Matrix" (1999), "Mulan" (1998), "Lluvia en los zapatos" (1998), "Sliding Doors" (1998), "The Bourne Identity" (2002), "The Last Samurai" (2003).

"The Last Samurai" (2003)

Double speech of 1999 CD158 in the movie "Brokedown Palace" (1999):

[Alice]: Please, if you need someone to do the time, I'll do it. I'll do her time and mine. Just let her go, please.
[The Crown]: Then you're of strong character and would lie to save your friend?
[Alice]: No, I am of weak character. And I just want to make up for my mistakes.
The Crown]: If you're lying and want to save your friend... Then you're of sufficient character to earn what you want. If you're telling the truth... Then you're friend is innocent and should go free. If you are willing to serve her term and yours... Your friend is pardoned.
[Alice]: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[Darline]: "You're a very good liar, Alice. You didn't do it. I know you didn't do it. I don't think I can leave you.
[Alice]: If I say it was the truth... You'll hate me. And if I say I lied... Then when you go home, and all the time there with your family... You won't be able to just be happy. So let's just say it was the right thing to do, ¿ok?

- 1999 Hd12, Physical Caution And Restriction Over Universe Cycles
1999 HD12 is a centaur discovered in April of 1999. The orbit is between Saturn and the Kuiper Belt. It has a perihelion of 8.88 AU and an aphelion of 34.07 AU. The semimajor axis is at 21.47 AU. It has an orbital period of 99 years and 197 days. It reached...

- (137295) 1999 Rb216, Keep Out Of Sight Like A Squirrel Behind The Trunk Of A Tree
(137295) 1999 RB216 is a twotino discovered in September of 1999. It has a perihelion of 33.6 AU and an aphelion of 61.9 AU (scattered disc object with low aphelion). It has a diameter of about 150 km. There is an importan astronomical observation in...

- (91554) 1999 Rz215, Help Others Understand Other Cultures And Religions
(91554) 1999 RZ215 is a scattered disc object discovered in September of 1999. It has a perihelion of 31.0 AU and an aphelion of 172.7 AU (scattered disc object with very high aphelion and Neptune at the perihelion). It has a diameter of about 120 km....

- (29981) 1999 Td10, To Come Out Of The Closet
(29981) 1999 TD10 (a scattered disc with very high aphelion and Saturn at the perihelion) is related with defining one self in front of the group and establishing that image, like at the end of the movies "Hercules" (Disney, 1997), "Fucking Amal (Show...

- (47171) 1999 Tc36, Transformation Of Dark-evil In Good-light
(47171) 1999 TC36 is a plutino discovered on October of 1999. It has a perihelion of 30.6 AU and an aphelion of 48.0 AU; the argument of perihelion is at 25º24' Capricorn (bioncile aspect, 65º27'; 51' orb). It has an inclination of 8.4º,...

