2006 QH181, who can you trust?
2006 QH181 is a 1:5 resonant scattered disc object discovered in August of 2006. It has a perihelion of 38.3 AU and an aphelion of 96.0 AU (scattered disc object with high aphelion and the Kuiper belt at the perihelion); the argument of perihelion is at 0º44' Scorpio (quincunx aspect; 44' orb). It has an inclination of 19.1º, with the ascending node at 13º52' Gemini (quintile aspect; 1º52' orb). The argument of perihelion and the ascending node are in golden aspect (137º30', 38' orb). It has a diameter of about 765 km.
The main theme of 2006 QH181 is 'who can you trust?' Like in the TV series "H2O, Just Add Water" (2006), "Hannah Montana - Pop Star" (2006), the movies "Twilight" (2008), "Body of Lies" (2008), "Blood Diamond" (2006), "The Departed" (2006), "Cars" (Pixar, 2006), or "Déjà Vu" (2006).This ability implies social intelligence, and it works not only by evaluating to who can you reveal a secret, but also choosing the right moment to do it.
(137295) 1999 Rb216, Keep Out Of Sight Like A Squirrel Behind The Trunk Of A Tree
(137295) 1999 RB216 is a twotino discovered in September of 1999. It has a perihelion of 33.6 AU and an aphelion of 61.9 AU (scattered disc object with low aphelion). It has a diameter of about 150 km. There is an importan astronomical observation in...
2006 Ch69, Finding The Way To Open Closed Structures
2006 CH69 is a classical Kuiper belt binary object discovered in February of 2006. It has a perihelion of 44.1 AU and an aphelion of 47.8 AU. There is a prediscovery image back to February of 2005. It has a diameter of about 100 km. It reached the perihelion...
(182933) 2002 Gz31, Relationships With Chemistry
(182933) 2002 GZ31 is a scattered disc binary object discovered in April of 2002. It has a perihelion of 38.4 AU and an aphelion of 63.4 AU (scattered disc object with low aphelion). It has a moon discovered in April of 2006 and announced in February...
(248835) 2006 Sx368, Creating Solid Links Of Mutual Understanding And Healthy Limits In Relationships
(248835) 2006 SX368 is a centaur discovered in September of 2006. It has a perihelion of 12.0 AU and an aphelion of 32.6 AU (orbit between Saturn and Neptune; Pholus family). It has a diameter of about 75 km. (248835) 2006 SX368 has the ability...
(87269) 2000 Oo67, Spiritual Cutting
(87269) 2000 OO67 is an inner Oort cloud object discovered in July of 2000. It has a perihelion of 20.8 AU and an aphelion of 1068.2 AU (inner Oort cloud object with Uranus at the perihelion). It has a diameter of about 60 km. It came to perihelion in...