2007 JH43, energy and health

2007 JH43, energy and health

2007 JH43 is a Kuiper belt object discovered in May of 2007. It has a perihelion of 38.3 AU and an aphelion of 40.6 AU. It has a diameter of about 500 km. It came to perihelion around 1888 (Second Industrial Revolution). There are prediscovery images back to May of 2003, June and May of 2002, April of 1996, March of 1994 and March of 1984.

In the movie "Sunshine" (2007), a group travels to the Sun to throw a nuclear bomb to reactivate the nuclear reaction of the Sun near its end of the life cycle.

The key-word for 2007 JH43 is 'power supply'. The main theme is energy transformation, distribution, and efficient use of it, like the Scion from Atlantis in the video game "Tomb Raider: Anniversary" (2007), the movie "Speed" (1994) and "Back to the Future" (1985) or the energy cubes at the beginning of the original TV series "Transformers" (1984).

2007 JH43 is also related with psychic energy, life and health, like yoga, reiki, meditation, or physical exercises, like in the movies "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" (1984), "The Karate Kid" (1984), "Trainspotting" (1996) and "A Walk to Remember" (2002).

In the video game "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune" that appeared in the year 2007, when the protagonist gets shot by the enemy, the screen turns white and grey and appears the heartbeat sound, if the player gets cover, the intense colours of the jungle gradually came back and the heartbeat disappears.

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