Astrology of Chiron

Astrology of Chiron

Chiron( pronounced Cheiron or Kheiron) is representative in one's chart of a area of "subjective expertise" in which the person Identifies so much with an others pain, usually because they have suffered too in a similar fashion. The Chiron person can relate deeply, understand and feel the pain, so they can offer to heal others pain. The aspects made to him will foretell much more but different to each individual.

Carl Jung termed, Chiron's myth " The Wounding of one's own arrow" as a state of introversion.

The idea states that a psychologist, Doctor or Analyst is compelled to treat patients because they themselves are "wounded". 

"Much research has shown that 73.9% of counselors and psychotherapists have experienced one or more wounding experiences, that lead to their "Career Choice."

The idea behind it, is the person is consciously aware of his own personal wounds, therefore, these wounds may be activated in certain situations especially if the other person's wounds are similar to his own.

If one suffers from a wound they can then speak the language, apply their knowledge and experience, empathize and offer the best assistance. An Example of this is the Orphan that grows up, becomes wealthy and opens an Orphanage in an effort to improve the Orphanage system from his/her own personal experience.

According to Myth, Chiron has a few wounds to deal with and often in Astrology it is much the same. Whether we are wounded in early childhood, or later in life as a result of a damaging love relationship or other, we can see this from Chiron in the charts. 

With Chiron, the first of his wounds was being a child born of rape, when his Father Cronus disguised himself in order to mate with Philyra, Chiron Mother. She got pregnant with Chiron and because of her regret of that dreadful day she ended up giving him away. His first wound was  abandonment from his family. Although but not always when tragedy strikes there can be good things that come from it. In his case he got lucky and was adopted by the God Apollo, he raised him and taught the gift of music, art and dance. 

However, the wound of abandonment never left his side. He continued in his life trying to fill his own void by filling the void of others, he became heavily involved with others whom suffered and became a surrogate father and teacher for many but was specifically adored as this father figure by Achilles.

In the end the pain continued, when he is hit by accident by Hercules arrow during a battle, by complete accident but nonetheless tragic, because the arrow was dipped in the poison of a Hydra, which has no cure and causes infinite pain. Being that Chiron was immortal this was torture. The story ends, when he could take no more unable to heal himself, and eventually he traded his immortality for the life of Prometheus (who was chained to a rock by Zeus for stealing fire and giving it to humans in short).

So what we can derive from the Myth of Chiron and apply to Astrology is that the area where Chiron resides in one's chart entails a wound, perhaps even an everlasting one, or one so deep that can't be forgotten or healed.

It could involve a betrayal of a trusted and dear one, and usually does, but again we need to look at the house and sign in which Chiron occupies.

The potential for healing comes in when the Chiron person has made many attempts to heal themselves and through their efforts they have learned particular lessons. It was through their own desire to bring relief to themselves that they are now in a sense perfected, through their own suffering.

It is suffering that brings out our compassion for others because we know how it feels to suffer. It pains me and I must do something about it for you, in order to heal myself as well. It's an area we are passionate about  knowledgeable in, we already tried many methods made many attempts to heal or fill the void ourselves.

Healing the Wound

Ever hear the phrase " Practice what you preach"? It is often the advice we give others that we neglect to apply to ourselves. It is in the application to self of these Chiron teachings that we give to others, that hold our own healing. 

Rather than running from our pain by trying to save others, when we are hurt ourselves it would serve us and others to help ourselves, and then help others.

Usually where Chiron lies in our natal chart we find an area in which we are great at giving advice to others and are quite passionate about it, but we don't usually apply it to ourselves, we seek redemption through helping others, in hopes to heal our pain.

It is through our experience of sadness, pain, hurt, or lack of that we can then relate to them assistance, psychology, teaching,or simply advice that is therefore healing or enlightenment  help because unconsciously by doing this we are attempting to fulfill or heal the hurt or lack within us.

In the Mythological story, he was most written and spoke of as a Great Teacher.

Chiron was notable throughout Greek mythology for his His personal skills which not only matched those of Apollo his adopted father, such as medicine, music, archery, hunting, prophecy, and a love of teaching and nurturing children or youths. 

He was skilled in much more and was even considered a matchmaker or relationship expert? As told in the story of Peleus. Chiron saved the life of Peleus by retrieving the Sword when Asus stole it and left him in the woods to be slaughtered by the Centaurs. 

However, it is also said that he coached Peleus on how to attract or capture the Nymph Thetis in which he later married as a result of Chiron's advice. This shows skills in the relationship or psychological area as well. 

What a talent this Chiron was and in our charts is where we will find our biggest talent as well, but also where we need healing ourselves because it points to an area in which we were hurt. 

Perhaps the healing for ourselves does come through helping others but it is also by applying our own advice to ourselves.

Look to the house that Chiron lies in your natal chart, it is where you have many talents and gifts in which you can be greatly successful and an area where you are a specialist but it is because it is usually a sensitive area for you.

More on Chiron in the Natal house and solutions to healing in the Back Room along with Chiron in Synastry and his effects

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