Astrology of Sun in Day or Capricorn and Moon in Bahman or Aquarius 2013.
If you look at the chart and the planetary positions you will see that Mars has been in Bahman or Aquarius for a while. Today is the first time that the Moon will line up with Mars. On it way there it will make a great angle to Jupiter.
Bahman or Aquarius is that areas of life we call open mindedness and eccentric. After the universe created good old comservative Capricorn that sticks to tried and tested principles, it decided to throw all that out of the window with Bahman.
I have known some seriously advanced minds that were Aquarians or Bahman. In ancient Iranian cosmology it is referred to as Vohuman. Literally their mental dexterity gives them insight that at first appears awkward. This energy connects the absurd. Social networking, politics and extra-terrestrial communications. In ancient Iran the ancients were praised for their advanced thought and the Faravahar some wear is part all that. It is very far fetched for most people to understand especially if you are a practical sort like a Taurus or Virgo.
So this the sort of environment we are in now. Be different. Get on the phone and talk to someone you have not talked to. Say something wacko or weird. Look for crazy electrifying things. Read science fiction. Be humanitarian.
In love matters, be bold. Be gay if you are not. Be lesbian if you are not. No seriously. Think outside the box. Stretch your mind.
As the Moon is in the first and second house, tomorrow you need to think about your belongings and assets in a progressive manner. Good day to go shopping for gadgets tomorrow. Great time for getting some serious internet shopping. Keep everything impersonal.
As you can see I changed my style. So you do the same. Get it all out in the open. Expand you weird thoughts and have some serious shouting political argument with someone. Go for it.