Astrology of the election of Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa as President of France

Astrology of the election of Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa as President of France

Sometimes Astrological charts of the moment of the announcement of Presidency indicate the real future. So I thought of looking into the moment of announcement of N Sarkozy at 17:40 GMT. Today's chart, and in fact the alignments of planets lately, have been dominated by the conjunctions of Mars and squaring of Mars to Uranus and Jupiter. Uranus rules politics and we have had so many elections haven't we in the past two weeks.

If you plot the time NS was announced President of France, you will see that the Sun and Mercury which are conjunct in the 7th house of Law and Order. And is it not a surprise to find that this is just what NS wants to impose. I look at the 10th house of rulership of the chart, and I see Leo with Saturn there. Wow that makes it very tough to govern and Saturn is making a very awkward aspect to Sun and Mercury and Neptune the ruler of the fifth that has the clue to this Presidency. We see North Node Uranus and Mars there. Fifth is the house of the ruler as a King, and it is telling me it is the opposition that rules France. What, how whacky is that? Go figure, but I see more riots and law and order for France.

There is a lot more to this chart, and if you look at the Jupiter you will see it in the second house, and so the wealth of the country, banks are in good order. You see that Venus is in 8th and that helps its finances as well. But look at the how both Moon and Pluto are at odds with Venus, again pointing to the role of women as a productive engine in France, versus male chauvanism with the awkward aspect Venus makes to Mars.

So I do not really see him holding his position for very long. Au Revoir, it was short and very sweet. France is split, and I am happy. Personally I do not like the way they changed the regime in Iran and brought Khomeini in, and it is pay back time for them. This timing of the election maybe is the sign of the future for France. But maybe this political view clouds my vision. I have to be honest.

Vivre La France, but not this time, next time.

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