Aurora Batman Shooting ? Another Mars, Uranus and Pluto event.

Aurora Batman Shooting ? Another Mars, Uranus and Pluto event.

Denver Shooting

There has been a nasty shooting at the screening of the latest Batman film ?The Dark Knight Rises? in Aurora, Colorado. A young 24 year old, James Holmes, apparently opened fire at cinema goers during a shoot out scene in the film, letting off a smoke bomb and leaving 12 dead and 50 injured. Luckily he was arrested by local police before he could kill any more and is now in custody.

DenverShooting natal

You know, I have been flagging up the possibility of this sort event happening on Solaris Astrology for a week or two now, and today unfortunately it occurred. The shooting was in no doubt caused by the Mars Uranus Pluto t-square which is now at probably it?s most potent point, all three planets around the 8 degree mark of cardinal signs. Mars was also trine to Jupiter and Venus which encourages risk taking and sextile to Mercury retrograde and the Moon so there was danger to the public, Uranus was also trine this conjunction so unexpected events could happen.

Saturn Mars 2

The key and the timing to why this event happened is due to Mars? position in the sky. Mars was in paran with Deneb Agide which sits in Cygnus which encourages one to ?act in accordance with their own principles?.  It was also conjunct to fixed star Vindemiatrix, which is quite a violent combination. Vindemiatrix was known by the Romans as the ?grape picker? and is associated with taking action. Add to these star connections with Mars a connection to destructive Pluto and shocking Uranus and you have a combination that is deadly. Vindemiatrix is a star in the constellation Virgo which is activated by the Sun in late summer at the time of the harvest. At the harvest when you pick your grapes, you reap what you have sown, and likewise this young man will now pay a heavy price for the actions that he has carried out.

There were a couple of other star planet connections which tied this event to Denver at 39 degrees North. The Heliacal rising star for that latitude was Alhena which indicates that ?People would be carried away with a mission or a cause?. Venus was last night in paran with star Bellatrix which indicates society having to deal with ?a rogue?  and Mercury (also conjunct the Moon) was in paran with fixed star Hamal which Bernadette Brady indicates as bringing ?jolting news?. All too true, and the poor people of Colorado after having had to deal with wildfires and destruction on a wide scale are now having to cope with this tragedy too.

My condolences go out to all the victims and families associated with this tragic event?

Link also to - The Astrology of James Eagan Holmes - The Aurora Shooter

                      The stars over Aurora as the community mourns

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