House Rulerships

House Rulerships

1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th 
7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th | 12th

To find an intpretation for the ruler of the 1st house in another house select "1st". To find an intpretation for the ruler of the 2nd house in another house select "2nd" and so on. 

Introduction to House Rulerships

This page deals with an astrological technique known as House Rulers. When the planetary ruler of the sign on a house resides in another house then there is a special link between the affairs of both of those houses. The ruler of a house is found by looking at the sign on a house cusp. 

For example:
 If Gemini is on the 2nd house cusp then Mercury is the house ruler for the 2nd house in that particular chart. If Mercury is posited in the 4th house, then we can make a statement as follows. The ruler of the 2nd house is in the 4th house. Then a likely interpretation can be made. The best way to understand this technique is to read the paragraphs below.

House rulerships are often overlooked, but I have found them to give very important information and I use them extensively to glean patterns from a chart. I consider this technique to be of major importance when looking at a chart.

The "houses" of the horoscope deal primarily with your earth plane experiences. As such, the tone of these interpretations may appear to be more "predictive" in nature.

Since there are literally hundreds of associations for each house, not all statements will apply absolutely to your experience. The possible combinations are unlimited. I have used the most common associations. Here we are exploring just some of the various options that may exist in your chart based on the links between these twelve major areas of life, the Houses of the Horoscope.

- The House Types
Part of Beginners Astrology Course. Alright! You are moving along quite nicely! Here you need to learn about the house types. It's not so complicated it's really quite simple. Get familiar with them so you can remember by heart house 1-12. ...

- Find House's Ruler
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- Ruler Of 7th House In Houses
By Cosmic Technology The ruler of the 7th house is a major indicator of the way your relationships evolve and the choice of partners. In astrology, every zodiac sign is ruled by a planet or a Light (the Sun and the Moon). When a house cusp falls in a...

- Buying And Selling Property, Moving To A House - Electional Rules
by Marion March, 1998 The Election chart to purchase property starts the moment you make the official offer to buy, whether to the seller directly or through a real estate agent. To sell property, the Election chart starts the moment you put the...

