Iran Astrology: Sun in Khordad or Gemini, Moon in Farvardin or Aries 2014

Iran Astrology: Sun in Khordad or Gemini, Moon in Farvardin or Aries 2014

Iran Astrology: Sun in Khordad or Gemini, Moon in Farvardin or Aries 2014

The Moon is in Farvardin and the 10th House from Thursday until Sunday.

Moon in Farvardin means you will get lucky by being fiercely independant. So don't mull over and brood. That is Mehr in two weeks. This is not the time to make balanced decisions. It is time to make your decision. So put your personality on the line. Say "Me". Preferrably put a sporting gear on and find out about "Me".

The zest or the fire of the individual, is at the heart of being alive, in ancient Iranian existentialist philosophy. It predates Zoroaster himself. It gave the sense of Free Will and The Will to act and win. So now is the time for you to win for your own reasons. And if that means someone loses, well so be it.

This cardinal mode of action, is further emphasised by the Sun moving into Summer/Winter Solstice at 10:50 am GMT Saturday. It is one of the four most important times of the year. Just like Knowrooz is a time for celebration of the new season. So have a big bash. Bring on the new Season. Summer or Winter. Seasons Greetings. 

The Moon will be in the 10th House of future planning. And most see this as a socially important time. But it is more of being lucky to see ahead in time. So plan your timetable. Get a handle of what needs to be done when. Deal with people in authority easily and move up the social ladder.

The angles are going to be the challenging ones for the meek and humble. But if you are the aggressive one, well go and change the status quo, as they are doing all over the world. Forget talk. It is all about high testosterone, "I bash you, you bash me", no negotiating style. Might it Right.

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