Iran Astrology: Sun in Mehr and Aban or Libra and Scorpio, Moon in Esfand or Pisces 2015

Iran Astrology: Sun in Mehr and Aban or Libra and Scorpio, Moon in Esfand or Pisces 2015

Iran Astrology: Sun in Mehr and Aban or Libra and Scorpio, Moon in Esfand or Pisces 2015

05:15 GMT 23 Friday
17:46 GMT Sun in Aban or Scorpio
06:19 GMT 25 Sunday

Moon is in Esfand and mostly in the 5th House from early morning Friday until early morning Sunday.

Moon in Esfand means you will get lucky by being reflective in life. Put others first. Develop your sense of humbleness and humility to get lucky. Develop a perspective, that can reconcile everything. You will need to think of the unyou. Go beyond the here and now you, into the universal space-time unyou. Unyou is a difficult concept to explain, because it is unique to each person. Be ready to forgive anything that happens, that is unexplainable in logical terms. Be ready to accept anything that happens, that is unexplainable in logical terms. Think of it as karma, or wishes, but not in religious terms. It is the force of intuition. You can't explain it, and it works.

For in-depth understanding read:

Moon is mostly in the 5th House and in Esfand. So intuitively be sportive and creative. Imagine you are a painter. Put your brush to the canvas, put on some music, close your eyes, and let something else move your hand. If you are a musician, look at photos or paintings, close your ears, and let something else move your hand on your instrument. Play tennis but don't look at the ball. It is "The Force" as in Star Wars. Box well by taking the opponents punches first.

The Sun enters Aban later afternoon on Friday. Time to share our life with others passionately and to establish deep relationships across space and time.

Moon is lining up with Neptune first. Imagine you can see through the material world around you. Tune into the transcedential. Be illusional. Dream and see a parallel universe. This week end the Moon will challenge Saturn, and later the Virgo stellum of Mars, Venus and Jupiter. All areas of discipline, commodities and health will be ignited. It will be hard to make sense of it all. Everything will seem less than ideal, just when you want to take trading risks. You want to roar and express you prowess, as you are being pulled apart by discipline, efficiency, and your ideals, all at the same time. Let your intuition guide you. MTFBWY.

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