Iranian Leap Years

Iranian Leap Years

Leap years and the Iranian Calendar. It is very with the internet, how one stumbles across sites, even though one thinks we know it all. Anyway I just came across this piece:

In the year 1006 CE, the first day of the Zoroastrian year (Noruz) occupied once again its original position at the vernal equinox. (Incidentally, this would imply that the Zoroastrian calendar originated in 500 BC or so.) It was then decided to intercalate a whole month every 120 years, to make the long-term average of the Zoroastrian year equal to 365¼ days, and avoid calendar creep with the exact same accuracy as the Julian calendar (in the long run, at least). This unusual intercalation scheme may have been chosen for religious reasons, which made it difficult to have anything but 5 gatha days at the end of every year.

Hmmm... Not quite there, but here is what I know of the Iranian calendar and its system. I do not know what the Seyyeds have done since, but it should be just a little different than the Julian one in one respect. That difference is the fact that every 7 leap years or every 28 years, or every time that Saturn returns, we get another day added on, to make the calendar lose only one day every 15000 years or so, instead of 5000 years for the Julian one.

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