Pisces Full Moon on September 8, 2014

Pisces Full Moon on September 8, 2014

La Luna by Patricia Herlevi
Just a quick note the Pisces Full Moon occurring on September 8 promises spiritual treasures as well as, prosperity for people with prominent Water and Earth elements in their Natal Charts.  Look for Natal Planets in Water and Earth Signs at 11 to 21 degrees.  The Full Moon is at 16 degrees Pisces will trine Saturn in Scorpio, sextile Pluto in Capricorn and conjunct Chiron in Pisces.

I was born with a Pisces disseminating Moon so I will definitely feel this Moon as it trines my Natal Neptune in my 10th/MC, conjuncts my Natal Chiron and sextiles my Natal Jupiter in the 4th House.  I will finally land in a healthy home!

I will write more later when I get a chance.

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