


If you are a late degree Scorpio Ascendant check the next sign also which occupies most of your 1st house which in your case would be Sagittarius.

Most of you Scorpios have been much more focused since Saturn has entered your sign, it's not that you are not a focused sign because YOU ARE! It's just lately you have been much more focused on yourself, and your place in the world, that your usual concern, your Partner:) 

In all seriousness, you are serious and you need to make sure you get enough rest, and take your vitamins because this month is action packed, regardless. Yes, worries about what other's think of you are a concern, but only if it's regarding past decisions that may have been destructive or harmful to you. Otherwise, be yourself, even under Saturn's Scrutiny. 

Now is the time to cut those bad habits out and to start developing some healthy ones. You are taking on a lot more responsibility and you may feel like there is not enough time in the day, however, there is and  It's up to you to take control and manage what you are and are not able to do. Prioritize! 

 This month, although you may not be feeling very social, you are going to be called to step out anyway. Big things are happening you must go out and be a part of it. With Jupiter in your house of Career, getting out there and shining brightly is where it's at. 

A lot is going to transpire in Career and you have the approval of others, but if that's not enough Venus will be in your 11th house of Friends, so being social is on the agenda. You are ready don't worry, and don't let Saturn tell you, your not good enough. Saturn may make you feel tired, or your bones might be aching, and you might even look in the mirror and say, I can't be seen. Don't listen that voice it's an illusion, but use it to quit a bad habit, work out get in shape, design a better health regime, A better diet, whatever you do with Saturn in the 1st house be sure to nurture yourself and get the proper rest, but also, do get out!

With the combination of Mars and Saturn in your house last month and up til now, it's been a sort of stop and go. However, you are able to make wise moves now because you are cautious yet moving ahead. This energy is suited for moving ahead a project in which you have needed the concentration and energy to accomplish. 

However mid-month,  Mars will be moving into your 2nd house of earned income, you will really be focusing on turning that project into a money making machine. 
With Money on your mind and the energy to put into making it, you are bound to make great financial progress especially  in the last two weeks of this month. 
Most of you will be doing quite well financially from now and into 2015.

For Love this Month the Pisces full moon was bringing forth topics of Love, Romance and Children. Some of you may be thinking of having a child now, or will find out you conceived. Others will have a situation with a love partner, either move forward or fall away. Those of you that are single can meet a new potential romantic partner. You know sometimes romance is connected with positive transits to the 10th house and this is because you are in the spotlight at this time, and career is doing good! 

With Jupiter the planet of " Go big or go home" can help one bring their career desires to fruition. While you're feeling good and doing good, you are also appealing to the opposite sex, your confidence soars and you are smooth! This is an excellent time, to socialize, in which for those of you that are single you will end up finding quite the catch during this time. This may be a person that can help you in your career as well, or someone you look up to. It can also be someone you meet at work. Regardless the opportunity abounds, and since Jupiter is hanging out for quite a while, there is no hurry.

Now is the time, to build your future. If you are in a job that does not allow room for growth you will want out. Jupiter is big, too big to keep in any small time gig! Many people start businesses under Jupiter's transit, with Jupiter in your 10th house the sky truly is the limit. If you are going to make a career change now is the time to go for whatever it is you want. This transit doesn't happen very often so I can't emphasize enough, to go for what you want. Those of you that are happy at work can expect some company praise, a raise, and more responsibility but also a much bigger title. 

When work is good, everything seems to fall into place and that's what September is about for you. You are in a stage of becoming, Saturn is working with you in your 1st house, he is the master builder, so stay focused on the goal, don't sweat the small stuff. Realize it's all part of the Grand Master Plan, of a New and better YOU.

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