Spotlight: Pisces Moon

Spotlight: Pisces Moon

Ah, I know this moon intimately and so does my natal Saturn with its one degree conjunction to a Pisces Moon.  Audrey Hepburn had this moon and so did Salvador Dali.  Normally, a dreamy and dissipating orb that dissolves everything it touches or sends its natives (people with this moon), off on an enchanted journey.  A person with a Pisces Moon needs planets in earth signs to keep these energies grounded.  However, for those people who prefer to lose themselves in spiritual Oneness, this moon can take you there.

An astrologer, I think it was Linda Goodman, once described the Pisces Moon as "Fey and whimsical" and I would add a touch of star child and moon beams, walking a pilgrimage in a world that makes little sense, if any sense at all.  Someone born with this moon feels out of sync with the rest of the world, or completely transcends the mundane through art, music, cinema, or spiritual endeavors.  Off to the monastery or to a mountain top.  Go on a pilgrimage or listen to ancient Celtic music. 

Pisces moon feels like a victim at times, and helpless, powerless, and loses contact with the Divine.  You find people with this moon in the breadline, in prison, or in rehab when ungrounded.  On the other hand, you'll also find artists, scientists, and intuitives here, not to mention saints.  A person with this moon placement might shift from one mode to the other; helpless one moment, and a wise teacher in the next breath.

Pisces 2 fish swimming in opposite directions
Let's follow this Moon through the 12 Houses:

First House--Pisces Moon feels uncomfortable in the Aries house.  It's not looking for new beginnings, but trying to dissolve the old.  As far as body image, this moon lives more in spirit than in the body.  After levitating in the 12th house, it's reluctant to start the cycle once again.

Second House--Still connected to the Divine and the eternal, now the moon must discover its earthly talents and gifts as well as, finding the outer resources to share these gifts.  My Pisces Moon falls in the second house and financial stability (obtaining it) has been the bane of my life.  However, channeling spirit comes easily.

Third House--In the house of communication, Pisces Moon prefers silence to chatter. Here is a moon placement that could easily forgo communication technology and try telepathy instead.  But even those channels clutter leaving the Pisces Moon in turmoil.  Off to the mountain to levitate and communicate more clearly with the Divine.

Fourth House--Pisces Moon has other ideas about domestic life. He or she might feel close to his  or her mother or distant.  Pisces prefers to wander the earth rather than stick to one home.  You'll find nomads and gypsies with this placement, as well as, artists, dancers, musicians, and actors who call the road home.

Fifth House--Pisces in the fifth house prefers not to grow up and feels that her life resembles playtime or recess.  Here you find the inner child with creative pursuits.  Dress your friends up and put on a show.  Pisces Moon prefers the drama on stage when it arrives in this house, and will share the spotlight with kindred souls.

Sixth House--Pisces wants to serve humanity or animals.  You'll find the Pisces Moon adopting too many cats, dogs, and birds in this house or founding an animal sanctuary.  I don't know what the late Glenn Gould's moon was, but it would feel at home in this placement.  After all, the musician's mission in life was to buy an island where he could house every unwanted animal.

Seventh House--Here Pisces seeks nothing short of a Twin Soul, a mirror to stare into, and intimacy that touches the hem of the Divine.  Pisces won't settle for a relationship that focuses on practicalities or legalities in this house.  That feels too much like a butterfly stuck to a rock, and unable to soar.

Eight House--Time for a deep therapy session in which Pisces Moon tackles the heavier topics of death, sex, and rebirth.  While Pisces Moon prefers to dissolve and escape transformation in favor of effortless ascendancy, the Scorpion house challenges the Pisces Moon.  On the other hand, in this house of the soul, Pisces Moon finds his or her soul mate and learns about deeply relating, while letting go of those nasty hangups.

Ninth House---Weeee!  Pisces now connects with Sagittarius energy, takes up her backpack and walking stick and takes to the road.  Whether this journey takes place in the outer or inner world, Pisces Moon feels liberated in this house and ready to explore the wide world.

Tenth House--Here's another house where Pisces Moon feels stuck and trapped in Capricorn structure.  Moving up the career ladder does not interest Pisces Moon, but perhaps, Pisces can make a career as a intuitive or healer with this placement.  Finding clients would come easily since this is the most public house in the chart.

Eleventh House--Pisces Moon floats from group to group, only making true friends with kindred souls.  Socializing on a large scale does not interest Pisces Moon, but she still finds it necessary to network and form connections.  However, Pisces Moon forms these connections only to dissolve them later.  "Sure, you'll do for now," Pisces Moon says, "but soon, I'm out of here."

Twelfth House--Pisces Moon has arrived home in this house.  If the moon has refrained from fooling itself and has done the work, it ascends.  If it hasn't done the work, the person with this moon could end up in prison or a mental hospital.  Either way, the Pisces Moon feels invisible here and anonymous.  Given the bigger picture, Pisces Moon finds wisdom from experiences and realizes that all life is illusion anyway.

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