The Private Papers of A Reluctant Astrologer

The Private Papers of A Reluctant Astrologer

To Readers of North Node Astrology~
I've started a new astrological "book in a blog" set up as letters between an older astrologer, Isabelle, who is mentoring a younger women, Kendra. Isabelle has taken on Kendra as a student and she will be privately teaching her through these letters. We'll also see Isabelle's private journal and personal struggles around her own issues of fate and destiny. Both women are experiencing their Saturn Returns, one at 29 years old, and one at 59 years old.

Their email/letter correspondence has deep meaning and synchronicity for both of them--and what is the prediction that seems to be coming true? Why does Isabelle call herself a "reluctant astrologer"? Oscar Wilde said: "The final mystery is oneself" but these women want to delve deeper into understanding their unconscious motivations and karma through astrology--as well as deciphering what is really happening in these years of
"2012" which have already begun.

If you sign in/subscribe as a reader you will be sent an automatic email as each new chapter is written. Hope to see some of you there! Leave your comments and questions as well.....the direct link is on the sidebar here, or you can cut and paste this:

- Prologue For Book: "predictions: The Private Papers Of A Reluctant Astrologer"
? "Isabelle CoCroft"? ?Falling in love with yourself is the beginning of a life-long romance.? Oscar Wilde When I first met Peter I believed in predictions. Now I know ?it?s complicated.? That?s the phrase people use to describe their love relationships...

- Astrological Predictions
Predictions When I first met Peter I believed in predictions. Now I know ?it?s complicated?. That?s the phrase people use to describe their love relationships when some things are true and some things aren?t as they?re meant to be. ?It?s complicated?...

- From: "private Papers Of A Reluctant Astrologer"
?Why do you call these ?Private Papers?? Peter asked while clutching my manuscript to his chest. I had just left the sun room, leaving scattered chapters of my book splayed out on the coffee table. I took the papers out of his hand, and sat down with...

- The Prediction Was Coming True
"The prediction was coming true"?of course, astrologers don?t like to call anything a prediction, but it was a prediction nevertheless. And it was worse in this case because Isabelle herself was the astrologer; the predictor. She certainly wasn?t...

- You Can Make Astrology Prove Anything!
Dear Isabelle~ Sometimes I think you can make astrology prove anything. Isn?t it like the Bible?the way you can just pick the right verse and chapter, and prove anything?! I can imagine you can make a case for God?s approval or disapproval, or for...

