The Zodiac

The Zodiac

Round and round everything spins, and wherever it stops it always begins. 

The paradox of life is everywhere we look, yet we do not have time to look. 

The Zodiac is an eternal paradox, which no science nor spiritual leader can explain. When and where it was created, is Unknown, many have theories, but it is still unknown. 

It is said that in ancient Egypt, they did not know about, what today is known as the Zodiac, but I personally believe they mastered it. 

We use the Greek alphabet here in the West, probably because it was the Greeks that conquered a very large part of the world, during the Punic war. 

Not only that, they were great politicians, not destroying their enemies, but making compromises, so people could co-exist.

Anyway this is some of the reason that most of the educational material we use today, directly descend from the Greeks. 

This is a little bit interesting, especially if you dig deeper into what this has brought with it. 

But no matter what we can thank the Greeks for our very basic alphabet.

The Zodiac word (Greek: ????????, z?diakos). 

Ptolemy I conquered Egypt from the last pharaohs, and then him and his family began to re-create temples. 

The round zodiac circle is seen in Egypt around 200 B.C and it was some from the Ptolemy's family line that changed it so.

But they were hardly the creator of such complex knowledge. Many do not notice the ancient Egyptian zodiac signs, and not many bring light upon this topic, I do wonder why? 

The ancient Egyptian would not put the zodiac signs into a circle, as the Greeks chose to do, they placed the signs wherever they liked, or wherever it was needed. 

I haven't been to one temple, which does not portray the zodiac signs. 

Their whole religious system, is build up by the complexity of both universal as well as the earthly nature. 

But I also agree in the point that it was not the ancient Egyptian that created the round Zodiac, which probably descend from Babylonian (the Chaldean people). 

A Note: The Zodiac circle existed before this time, but was first seen in Egypt at this time (even thou some ancient texts come very close to presenting almost the same idea, just with different images). 

I would say that the Zodiac circle is the first, and greatest tool when you are working with horoscopes.

 The Zodiac signs making up this circle, are


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