Wrong Zodiac Meme

Wrong Zodiac Meme

It's a tribute to the amplifying power of the Internet that the "Wrong Zodiac Meme" ie, constellations have moved, there are 13 signs, etc., has now gone viral. I've had multiple posters try to put up links on it, I even got called by a TV reporter for comments on it.

In short the "Wrong Zodiac Meme" says, "Throw away your watch, the only accurate way to tell time is with a sundial!"

But this is nothing more than the tired, old, moth eaten Constellational Zodiac argument. I got so tired of questions about it, that I did a whole webpage on it awhile ago.

This is a perfect example of what is wrong with modern astrology and the "New Age" in general. As the bastard child of Science, Victorian Theosophy and New Thought, it utterly lacks a coherent underlying philosophy. Ask a modern astrologer how astrology works and they are either going to give some variation of energy fields, or gravity beams or string theory, or they just won't have a clue! The "Wrong Zodiac Meme" is going to totally flummox them, since they believe in scientific causality and this is an argument based on scientific causality.

But wait! What is the point of making a technical argument based on scientific causality when astrology itself is completely unscientific? This is like saying, "A new scientific study shows that the Catholic Mass needs reform because chemical analysis shows that white wine is closer to actual blood chemistry than red wine."

But as I mention on the webpage If you find the "Wrong Zodiac Meme" argument convincing, you are an unconscious atheistic/materialist! Nothing wrong with that, good thing to know, but a real stumbling block to working as a traditional astrologer or magician.

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