(15809) 1994 JS, an important change that has been incubated for a long time.
(15809) 1994 JS is a 3:5 resonant Kuiper belt object discovered in May of 1994. It has a perihelion of 33.1 AU and an aphelion of 52.0 AU. It has a diameter of 120 km.
Resonance 3:5The number three quality is related with what is in process of formation, a force in motion; decisions have been taken, but the aim has not been reached (Karen Hamaker-Zondag). Number three is the level of clarifying, getting better, and expression. Is the level of planning. Here, at the beginning, details are bear in mind in order to prepare the plans for action (Gail Fairfield).
The number five quality is related with getting high in life and has a revolutionary quality that takes into new dimensions of life (Karen Hamaker-Zondag). What seemed establish, is now suffering a reaction and being affected. It has to adapt, change or sit down in other way. (Gail Fairfield). Reference books: "Choice Centred Tarot" (Gail Fairfield, 1984), "Tarot as a Way of Life: A Jungian Approach to the Tarot" (Karen Hamaker-Zondag, 1997).Like the song "Winds of Youth" (Kitaro, 1994), (15809) 1994 JS brings about an important change that has been incubated for a long time, like at the end of the movies "Only You" (1994) and "The Shawshank Redemption" (1994).)
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, psychologist that investigated flow experiences, has 1994 JS in Virgo opposite Bienor and 2002 TC302 in Pisces in the Crossing Axis of Age Progressions (Basis Horoscope / Moon-Node Horoscope). Bienor forms a 'big triangle of talent' with Makemake and 1999 TD10.
(127546) 2002 Xu93, Advise To Those Who Are Breaking Through The Unknown.
(127546) 2002 XU93 is a scattered disc object with Kozai resonance (inclination of 77º) discovered in December of 2002. It has a perihelion of 21.0 AU and an aphelion of 111 AU (scattered disc object with high aphelion and Uranus at the perihelion)....
(79369) Sila-nunam, Rational Analysis At The Bifurcation Points
(79360) Sila-Nunam is a binary classical Kuiper belt object discovered in February of 1997. It has a perihelion of 43.4 AU and an aphelion of 44.4 AU (near the mean 4:7 resonance). The companion was discovered in October of 2002. They are almost the same...
2007 Jh43, Energy And Health
2007 JH43 is a Kuiper belt object discovered in May of 2007. It has a perihelion of 38.3 AU and an aphelion of 40.6 AU. It has a diameter of about 500 km. It came to perihelion around 1888 (Second Industrial Revolution). There are prediscovery images...
(144897) 2004 Ux10, Protocols Of Action
(144897) 2004 UX10 is a plutino discovered in October of 2004. It has a diameter of about 530 km. It has a perihelion of 37.4 AU and an aphelion of 40.9 AU. There are prediscovery images back to July of 1954 and August of 1953. (144897) 2004 UX10 creates...
1994 Ta [pylenor], Mystic Connection With Nature
1994 TA [Pylenor] is a centaur discovered in October of 1994. The orbit is between Saturn and Uranus, but getting a bit beyond Uranus, entering into the Neptune's influence. It has a perihelion of 11.7 AU and an aphelion of 21.8 AU. It has a diameter...