(225088) 2007 OR10, assist someone that is going towards the bifurcation point
The social intelligence of (225088) 2007 OR10, allows to assist someone that is going steady towards the bifurcation point, like in the movies "Back to the Future" (1985), "Terminator 2: The Judgement Day" (1991), "24 Hours" (2002), "Ae Fond Kiss (Just a Kiss)" (2002), "Lilo & Stich" (2002), "Déjà Vu" (2006), "Blood Diamond" (2006) and "Little Miss Sunshine" (2006).3:10 resonance Like water, there is a steady flow that surrounds any obstacle that appears (number 3 quality). Once the edge of chaos is reached, a bifurcation to new directions is produced (number 10 quality).Butterfly effectThe name of the effect, coined by Edward Lorenz, is derived from the theoretical example of a hurricane's formation being contingent on whether or not a distant butterfly had flapped its wings several weeks earlier. (Wikipedia: Butterfly effect) According to Edgar Cayce, the number 10 has a non-linear quality, so that apparently insignificant events acquire a decisive influence, while others apparently of great magnitude pass entirely unnoticed. All depends on whether its quality matches the nature of the bifurcation point.
2006 Ch69, Finding The Way To Open Closed Structures
2006 CH69 is a classical Kuiper belt binary object discovered in February of 2006. It has a perihelion of 44.1 AU and an aphelion of 47.8 AU. There is a prediscovery image back to February of 2005. It has a diameter of about 100 km. It reached the perihelion...
(182933) 2002 Gz31, Relationships With Chemistry
(182933) 2002 GZ31 is a scattered disc binary object discovered in April of 2002. It has a perihelion of 38.4 AU and an aphelion of 63.4 AU (scattered disc object with low aphelion). It has a moon discovered in April of 2006 and announced in February...
(127546) 2002 Xu93, Advise To Those Who Are Breaking Through The Unknown.
(127546) 2002 XU93 is a scattered disc object with Kozai resonance (inclination of 77º) discovered in December of 2002. It has a perihelion of 21.0 AU and an aphelion of 111 AU (scattered disc object with high aphelion and Uranus at the perihelion)....
(38628) Huya, Moon Discovered; Transformations Towards A More Plentiful Life
Moon of (38628) Huya discovered in May of 2012, linked to prediscovered images back to July of 2002, announced in July of 2012. In the movie "Trouble with the Curve" (2012), the protagonist passes through important transformations, typical of (38628)...
(208996) 2003 Az84, Crystal Clear
(208996) 2003 AZ84 is a plutino discovered in January of 2003. It has a diameter of about 650 km. It has a perihelion of 32.3 AU and an aphelion of 46.5 AU; the argument of perihelion is at 14º16' Aries. It has an inclination of 13.5º, with the...