(69988) 1998 WA31, friendly empathy

(69988) 1998 WA31, friendly empathy

(69988) 1998 WA31 is a scattered disc object in 2:5 resonance with Neptune, discovered in November of 1998. It has a perihelion of 31.66 AU and an aphelion of 79.18 AU (scattered disc object with medium aphelion). The semimajor axis is at 55.42 AU. It has an orbital period of 413 years. It reached the perihelion in February of 1967. It has a diameter of about 140 km.

(69988) 1998 WA31 is related with the typical friendy empathy of cartoons characters, like Balu in the movie "The Jungle Book" (1967), "Teletubies" (TV, 1998) or the character of the video game "Little Big Planet" (PS3, 2008).

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