2000 AF255, keep hide the experience of past stages of life

2000 AF255, keep hide the experience of past stages of life

2000 AF255 is a resonant scattered disc object and a twotino discovered in January of 2000. It has a perihelion of 36.7 AU and an aphelion of 60.9 AU (scattered disc object with low aphelion). It has a diameter of about 305 km.

"The film "The Contender" (2000) is more about principles than politics. The challenges that Senator Laine Hanson faces in this film are decidedly more about her personal life than her public persona. Her principles tell her that under no circumstance should she allow her personal life to mesh with her public one [twotinos 2000 AF255 and 2000 QL251], and her courageousness emerges when she takes a stand and refuses to give in, despite pressure from both sides. Her heroics are based not on her politics but upon her principles, and on sticking to those principles even when they are inconvenient.

2000 AF255 has the ability to hide the experience of past stages of life in order to adapt to the present situation, like in the movies "Random Hearts" (1999), "The Contender" (2000), "The Mummy" (1999), "Message in a Bottle" (1999), "The Matrix" (1999), "Family Man" (2000), and at the end of the movie "The Beach" (1999).

"The Fugitive" (1993)

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