

Astrology is a science, which guides us about future, and we can change several things with help of astrology. It is a science of stars and it the old mythology of Hinduism culture. The nine stars and their placements indicate the events in our life. The Vedic astrology is the mother of all techniques of astrology and this is more accurate than any other technique.

- Jupiter From Luxor City (egypt)
In October 2009, my parents and I visited Luxor city in Egypt. One day my mother came across a small advertisement, which she knew would be something for me. She showed me the advertisement, which was about watching the stars and planets from outside...

- No One Practices "astrology"!
It's one of those very useful tests. If someone says they are an astrologer and you ask, "What kind?" and they say "you know, astrology" then they are a modern astrologer. Those practicing Hellenistic or traditional Western astrology or Vedic astrology...

- Official Governmental And Scientific Attitude To Astrology
Ok, finally, I have it, the official statement of the scientific community and the United States government with regard to astrology. This is from the National Science Foundation which is an official US government agency and specifically from the National...

- She Blinded Me With Science!
Maybe I am somewhat perverse, obsessive or simply like butting my head against a concrete wall, but I just can't seem to just keep my mouth shut and walk away when people insist that astrology is scientifically provable, ala Gauquelin, and that someday,...

- Again Astrology
Indian Astrology, called the Jyotish, is universal and timeless. Jyotisha is one of the most time-tested and oldest systems of astrology in the world. In Western countries, it is called Vedic astrology, which refers to Indian or Hindu astrology. Indian...

