Astrology of July 14th 2013 Ayatollah's Islamic Republic elections in Iran.
The Ayatollahs of Iran will allow the people of Iran, to cast a vote for their designated candidates, on 14th of July 2013.
It is not an Iranian election as such, as there is a Shi'ite vetting system in place. As such, it can be abused by the Ayatollahs, to make it look as if it is spiritually correct.
One of the easiest ways Ayatollahs and their Astrologers manipilate public opinion, is to find "the good time" to "be lucky". The moment that the cunning Astrologers have chosen is just that.
One of the most basic "lucky moments" in the whole year, is when the Sun is lines up with Jupiter as seen from Earth. Have a look at the chart and you will see that the Sun is literally a few days or few degrees from Jupiter. But it has worked against them.
As you all know, the Moon changes its sign at an exact time in the day. The Moon moves into Virgo or Shahrivar late in the afternoon in Iran. It then makes challenging angles to Neptune. Neptune is that illusive energy which I associate with Ayatollah teachings. Moon is the mood or popular opinion. It then makes a 90 degree to Mars or military. This is where they have gone wrong.
If the election result is announced around midnight then Neptune will be rising. The Moon will be setting. Mars will be in fourth house of government opposition. So the energy is there for clashes. No matter what Sun and Jupiter are doing, mysticism and dellusionary ideas are not accepted. Moon in Virgo means practical can do ideas.
But no matter what time the result is announced the Mars Neptune Moon angles is there for a while. The Ayatollahs as represented by Neptune will be on a head-on collision with people as represented by Moon and war as represented by Mars. Mars will not put up with illusions out of Qom.
The Jupiter Sun conjunction will be in the fourth house of nationalism and heritage. The Sun would be the ruler of 6th house and Jupiter the ruler of 10th. This means that the luck is with a civil service who like ancient history of Iran. Ideologically minded people will not get anywhere.
Saturn is in the 9th house of religious affairs. Saturn will punish them. Saturn is that which disciplines and brings order. It will rationalize religion. I need not elaborate that sentiment, but suffice it to say that illusiveness will fail. In fact a new practical philosophy will be reborn. I am a Zoroastrian Astrologer that believes in the here and now. Yata Ahur Vario.
Venus and Mercury are in the 5th house of royalty and cultural expression. They will be able to give a new cultural expression out of the Saturn rationalization. After Ohrmazd or Jupiter, Venus gives us a lot of luck. Mercury is the ruler of the chart and it will be supported by Venus. Both are in Cancer or Tir and again Iranian family culture and women are emphasized not ideology.
What is particularly interesting is the lack of political or religious symbolism, that is so typical of 22 Bahman chart. The Bahman or Aquarian energy is just not there. Look at Uranus in the 2nd house (ill positioned) making bad angles to Venus, Mercury and Moon. It is a sad day for politics actually. It is then a great blessing not to have that revolutionary zeal. Instead Iran will produce its own solutions culturally not ideologically.
Finally it has to be mentioned that under Gemini, there will be also a tendancy to split Iran into two nations, that will work in tandem with each other. Or there might be a biparty coalition of some sort who will never agree.