Bush, Blair stern on Islamists in Iran, Syria and Lebanon
For the first time, ever since the Islamists marched in the streets of Iran, and managed to win against the police, but never met the might of the armed forces of Iran in 1979, they have now felt the armed forces of Israel. The whole world is watching every little step they take. They cannot just get away with it anymore.
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The Iranian People Are Not Interested In Hezbollah
Truth is that the secular people of Iran really care more about what is happening to the economy than anything else. The Islamists in Iran (Hezbollah created by Khomeini) are trying anything to look like heros in the face of pure more | digg...
Hezbollah's Hate, Made In Iran
Good summary on Hezbollah (Party of God) and its roots in Iran's Islamists. Please note that Iranians and Islamists in Iran are not the same. Iranians are part of a much deeper more peaceful ancient humanitarian philosophy. Iranians identify with...
One Word Said ... A Million Words Unsaid
For so long, the intelligent Iranians, who know how incapable and stupid the Islamists' doctrine and mentality is, have said, we would get to this situation, where Russia, China Block UN Iran Statement. So it is not the Islamists, who have "divine...
Want A Quick Solution? Pop The Question.
Want a quick solution to all this nuclear crisis for Iran? Yes of course you do. How do we do it? It is really easy. All that we need, is for the theocratically elected Ahmadinejad, to declare that he does not want to nuke Israel. That is all. He just...
Jack Straw Snookered By Iran's Islamists
Jack Straw says Iran's U.N. speech 'disappointing', because the Islamists in Iran have now removed the 'half-way house', which existed for a couple of years, when the enrichment freeze was on. EU felt that it was in charge; Straw and...