Buying and Selling Property, Moving to a House - Electional Rules

Buying and Selling Property, Moving to a House - Electional Rules

by Marion March, 1998

The Election chart to purchase property starts the moment you make the official offer to buy, whether to the seller directly or through a real estate agent. To sell property, the Election chart starts the moment you put the house up for sale, either  when you sign a contract with a realtor or when you hammer the sign onto your front lawn; some people who sell without an agent feel the chart should be set for when they
put a "For Sale" ad in the newspaper.

1. Follow all the usual rules for the Moon: positive aspects, not void of course and, if
possible, waxing. Cancer and Taurus Moons are particularly welcome.

2. In any purchase, the Ascendant and its ruler describe the buyer, whereas the
Descendant (7th) and its ruler denote the seller. Flowing aspects between these two
houses are very important for either a purchase or a sale, but remember for whom you are
calculating the chart, the seller or the buyer, and fortify that house (the 1st) as well as the
4th house which represent the property. Smooth, positive aspects between these three
houses (1st, 4th, 7th) are a must. In any sale, the Ascendant and its ruler describe the
person who wishes to sell, the Descendant explains where the buyer is coming from. Easy
aspects between these two houses help to make the deal flow smoothly.

3. Look to the 4th to describe the house or land itself. Try to strengthen this astrological
house and its ruler. This applies to purchases as well as to sales. I've seen some sales fall
through if the ruler of the 4th has only troublesome aspects or the Moon is void of course.

4. To buy, a fixed Ascendant is desirable, unless this acquisition is to before a quick
turnover or a short term investment. To sell property quickly, it is wise to choose a
cardinal Ascendant, if possible; mutable is next best.

5. In any Election chart, it is helpful to have the luminaries and benefic above the horizon
and the challenging planets (Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto) away from the angles.

6. Do not sign papers or contracts concerning any property if Mercury or Venus are

7. Avoid having the rulers of the angles in retrograde motion.


This is another frequent request for an Electional chart, which is not surprising in the
United States where people seem to constantly be on the move. It does not really matter if
the place you move into is rented, owned or loaned, if it is a house, an apartment or just a long as it is going to be your abode, where you hang your proverbial hat for a
certain amount of time, it is considered home.

When calculating the time, Moving in starts with the first personal object moved into the

1. Most of the general rules given before apply, with the Moon again being the primary
consideration. Therefore, avoid squares, be careful with oppositions and quincunxes and,
of course, shun a void of course Moon.

2. Your astrological knowledge and good common sense will help you determine all most
other factors. Since you want your new home to be pleasant and free from trouble, you
would like the ruler of the Ascendant (you) in positive aspect (trine, sextile, conjunction)
to the 4th house ruler (the home).

3. Unless this is a temporary residence, or for some reason you don't wish to stay in the
home for a long time, try for a fixed Ascendant. (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius).

4. Avoid Saturn or Mars in angular houses, and unless you thrive on excitement, keep
Uranus away as well.

5. Elevated luminaries (Sun and Moon) and so-called benefics Venus and Jupiter are

6. Though you should not buy a house while Mercury or Venus are retrograde, it does not
seem to affect the actual time you move into the place.

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