Iran Astrology: Sun in Azar or Sagittarius, Moon in Azar or Sagittarius 2014

Iran Astrology: Sun in Azar or Sagittarius, Moon in Azar or Sagittarius 2014

Iran Astrology: Sun in Azar or Sagittarius, Moon in Azar or Sagittarius 2014

Moon is in Azar and the 1st House from Noon Saturday until Monday afternoon.

Moon in Azar, gives you luck, if you find meaning, in whatever you do. Be philosophical. Look for the moral aspect. Travel in mind and body. Do research. Explore the universe, and seek the truth, through deep investigation. Don't be too logical, curious, superficial, or spread yourself thinly on many matters. That is Khordad in two weeks. Now is the time to discover.

Azar means Fire. It is the Sage's fire. Sage, is derived from Persian word Sagi, meaning the wise man. As we know the Three Wise Men, spoke of the alignment of the planets in Christmas. They read what Jamasp had found, in his astrological research, a thousand years before.

The Moon is in the 1st House and it marks the beginning of a new cycle. So plant a seed towards your new self-quest. Identify what you want to find out for yourself. Explore the meaning of your personality. Discover parts of your body. Learn about the structure of your own physique. Understand, that your self, is larger than the constraints of your skin. You are a stellar entity. See your universe. Get one of those apps, that show the planets. Put your date of birth in it, and see where all the planets and stars were on your birthday. That is the extended you, that you need to find out.

The Moon lines up with Venus late Saturday and early Sunday. That means you can get lucky, with far away and foreign love. Sunday afternoon, the Moon makes great angles to Uranus. Now you can make that connection, with the eccentric individual in your life. Express something very weird about yourself. Pickup a new weird game. Take a wild chance and gamble. Push your luck. Late Sunday to Monday, is really lucky, as the Moon makes great angles to Jupiter. Go and look for that rare treasure, whatever it is. It could be a phrase you will read, or a journey that will expand the meaning of life and your existance. Find it and elaborate about it, just like I have written. Expand your world. Draw your Kaman and let it go - however far you will seek it to go in your Cosmos.

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