Iran Astrology: Sun in Shahrivar or Virgo, Moon in Azar or Sagittarius 2013.

Iran Astrology: Sun in Shahrivar or Virgo, Moon in Azar or Sagittarius 2013.

Iran Astrology: Sun in Shahrivar or Virgo, Moon in Azar or Sagittarius 2013.

Moon is in Azar for two days and is the 3rd House today, and 4th House late tomorrow.

Azar the fire for quest, the need to explore, the need to find meaning. Your quest very much depends on your kind of positive perspective. How you look at history and moral issues. In the extreme it is your religion.

The 3rd House is your immediate neighbour, your close friends, your kin. The 4th House is your home, heritage, and history. 

The Moon is making great angles to Mars and Uranus, so really feel the energy today. Get fired up to burn down old connections, and renew some new contacts. Find new faster ways of connecting with close friends. Put some meaning into new progressive contracts. Be different and absurd in love as the angles are really enthusiastic. 

Light up that candle of hope and find meanings in your past tomorrow. Read history. Study old philosophy. Good time to look for things in the house. Search your feelings and pray for your family and heritage.

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