On Sunday 21st of December, the days will be shorter, for the last time. On Monday the 22nd, the first longer day will begin.
The ancients that visited Earth some 20,000 years ago, knew the Earth will be very close and moving super fast, at this time of the year. It was one of the four great changes at the beginning of each season.
Let me explain why you feel all buzzed. We all know what Azar or Sagittarius means. The energy is wild. The spirit is strong. It stands for faith and philosophy. It is the energy that bring us to the meaning of the Universe. Our planet is moving super fast, as it is closest to the Sun, and zipping around very fast.
As a human being, you feel that energy, the festive spirit. You are motivated to get up and go, and share the Christmas spirit. But in a particular year, suddenly the planets lined and Jamasp the great Iranian astrologer, spotted it. The line of the planets, goes exactly through Bethlehem. At that exact spot was when Jesus Christ was born. It was an Astrological event. That is why it is magical. It is unique in space and time.
But thousand of years before Jesus Christ was born, Iranians knew the day when Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will all line up. We knew first that a very special event will occur, not on Earth, but in our Solar System.
It looked like a bright star at night, from us down on the ground in Earth. But from above, the larger picture was even more beautiful. The Sun shined in a straight line on the planets, for the first time in many thousands of years. That is a huge event.
The lining up of all the planets, marked the beginning of the Age of Pisces and we are part of it now. Each Age is marked by a Leader for that Age and Jesus was the Sayaoshant of that Age.
Jamasp's thought survived thousands of years. My own astrological ancestors, went from Saveh to greet his birth. Later they were called The Three Wise Men or Magi.
Somehow, the Christians do not mention this story. Suddenly, Iran is out of the Christmas picture. Later, the Europeans made errors in their calendars, and decided that they should put Christmas a week before the end of their year. The Winter season celebration, on the beginning of Day or Capricorn or Solstice day, were ignored.
Later, after all of Iran's pre-Islamic history, was smashed and obliterated, the celebration went from being the celebration of Solstice Day or Yalda, to Celebration of the longest night of the year or Shabe Yalda. Iranians stay up all night, burning logs and eating non-stop. It is the biggest and brightest party of the year. We defy darkness on its longest moment.
So the festival still remained. Somehow, even though for the wrong reason.
Happy Yalda everyone. Enjoy these moments as we get closer to the first longer day, and you feel the energy build up.