Lack of Astrological knowledge and the Iranian Calendar

Lack of Astrological knowledge and the Iranian Calendar

The Iranian Calendar is the most accurate Calendar in the world, because the Iranians take into consideration the little bit of unaccounted minutes that the Gregorian Calendar leaves behind, after a day has been added every four years. But then the Iranian Cosmologists make a big mistake. I am not there, and I am not able to teach them the Astrological meanings. So if you know anyone there, get them to see this and maybe they will understand the Astrology and then adjust the Calendar accordingly.

In this article the author states:
A natural solar year is neither 365 days nor 366. It is something like 365 days, 5 hours and 49 minutes. While for westerners, the new year begins at midnight, for us there is an exact time (to the seconds) worked out by astronomy which specifies the beginning of the new year. This is known as ``{tahvil-e saal}'' A solar calendar year begins at the point when the sun appears to cross the equator from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere as viewed from the centre of the earth.. However, for the purposes of the calendar, a day (of 24 hours) can either belong to the past year (say, the last day of Esfand) or the new year (1st of Farvardin). So what we do is this: if the exact moment of {tahvil-e saal} is before midday (Tehran time), we regard the same day as the New Year's Day (1st Farvardin). Otherwise, the New Year begins on the following day. This has made the Jalaali calendar year much more accurate than the Gregorian one (details later).
To me what matters is that the first day has to be a full Aries day. So if the Equinox took place a minute past sunrise over the most south-eastern point of Iran then that day is still part of the previous year, because there is still a bit of Pisces in that day. So under the present system you can have up to 6 hours of Pisces in the first day of the New Year. Quite rediculous. The first proper day after the Equinox must be fully Aries. How clearer is that? And the whole idea of putting a Noon Teheran time is wrong. Anyone who has studied Astrology will tell you that the Equinox Point has special universal characteristics that the ancinet philosophers of Iran respected, that enabled such a vast empire, of such diverse people, to agree on. That point of space time has nothing to do with Iran. It is an Earthly phenomenon.

Now if you are really into maths then first of all you need to read this. Then look at what is meant by Sidereal Time and Mean Solar Time. There are different ways of measuring the exact length of time in the year. ST produces 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes 9.54 seconds, whilst MST produces 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 45.5 seconds. The Iranians use ST and yet they are using the logic of MST. Nuts! Anyway it is even funnier. Let's just do a little explanation. Bascially you have every four years, another 1 hour and 9 seconds and 0.54 seconds extra to deal with. The Gregorian does not bother with that. But the Iranian does.

Why do you think that the Iranian Astrologers were so worried about getting this moment so right. Because the Iranians value birth as such an important phenomenon in Life. We are after all responsible for celebrating birthdays. Herodotus actually identified Iranians as odd in that respect.

So after a leap year the Iranians are worried about the 1 hour or 60 mins times 60 secs plus 9 plus 0.54 seconds, which is 3609.54 seconds, or 902.385 seconds per year. We Iranians are just not satisfied with forgetting about it. Blimey! So Omar Khayyam just had to sort it out. So he decided to find out when to add another day to make the calendar more accurate.

Well there are 86400 seconds in a day. We have to see how many 902.385 seconds goes into 86400? You get 95.746272. So every 95 years you need to add a day. But Omar Khayyam decided to add a day after 8 leap years or an extra day every 33 years in the year 1079 AD. And that is why the Iranian Calendar is more accurate than any other in the world.

But I am not totally convinced that that is the case. I think we have here a translation problem. I may seem to be diverging but it is important. If you ask an Iranian what is your birthday he was born in 1997, they will tell you that I have completed my 10th year and I am not entering my 11th year. So I think that OK was actually referring to the Saturn Cycles and he was talking of the seven years of leap years making it 28 years.

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