USA Today confusing Islamists with Iranians

USA Today confusing Islamists with Iranians

In this article Iran's strength is becoming bigger problem for U.S., USA Today shows how ignorant it really is. Or is it that ignorant? Afterall they should know by now that the people of Iran are Iranian more than they are Shiite. USA Today would love to see a new source for anti-US to grow, so that it can wage its Pax Americana.

In the world of dualism one always needs an adversary, to move one's cause forward. In the case of the right wing of the United States, it involves finding suitable opponents. The neocon mullahs have proven to be a wonderful excercise for the neocons in the US. So USA Today will mix up 'on purpose' Iranians with the xenophobic characters in Qom, who are not Iranian, detest Iranians, and one day will return to Najaf where they belong. In the meantime all Iranians have to put up with insults from USA Today, as it talks about Iranians and Islamist Shiites in the same breath. Why doesn't the editor of USA Today, or better still Barbara Slavin, have a look at the Persian Treasures in London called the Forgotten Empire, and get a feeling of what real Iranians are about. Then she can go to Qom and see the monsters there, and really see what the Shittes have done. Go and find another target to point your guns at.

The people of Iran have been besieged by the basij of Iran. They are in a quandry. They do not want Iran to become another Yugoslavia or Iraq; torn and in civil disorder. The last thing any Iranian wants, and Islamists Federalist or any other Republican revolutionary would love to have, is to destroy nationalism. Fat chance. Look at how many celebrate Nowrooz in Central and Western Asia every year. We are the children of Zoroaster and Cyrus the Great.

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