(31824) Elatus, puer aeternus archetype
(31824) Elatus is a centaur discovered in October of 1999. The orbit is between Jupiter-Saturn and Saturn-Uranus. It has a perihelion of 7.2 AU and an aphelion of 16.3 AU. It has a diameter of about 45 km. There are prediscovery images back to October and September of 1998. The perihelion is at 9º06' Aries. It has an inclination of 5.2º, with the ascending node at 27º02' Gemini, whose argument of perihelion is equivalent to 12º04' Capricorn (semiseptile aspect, 77º08', =septile [0º Libra]; 48' orb).Greek mythology Heracles' arrow hits Elatus in the arm, but passes right through, and ends up hitting Chiron.
An actual image of this mythology can be Neo avoiding the bullets of agent Smith in the movie "The Matrix" (1999).(31824) Elatus has an incredible ability to scape from the most difficult situations, like Morfeo-Neo in the movie "The Matrix" (1999). But is more habitual that he flee before things get worst.Puer aeternus archetype The Jupiter-Uranus quality is associated to the puer aeternus archetype (Marie Louise Von Franz; Liz Green), were an individual with immense potential always flee before that potential is achieved, like in the movie "Forces of Nature" (1999), or like in the book of Ursula K. Le Guin "A Wizard of Earthsea" (1968) or like Luke in the movie "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back" (1980) when he interrupt the training with Yoda.The 'puer' typically leads a provisional life, due to the fear of being caught in a situation from which it might not be possible to escape. He covets independence and freedom, chafes at boundaries and limits, and tends to find any restriction intolerable. (Wikipedia: puer aeternus)
1999 Hd12, Physical Caution And Restriction Over Universe Cycles
1999 HD12 is a centaur discovered in April of 1999. The orbit is between Saturn and the Kuiper Belt. It has a perihelion of 8.88 AU and an aphelion of 34.07 AU. The semimajor axis is at 21.47 AU. It has an orbital period of 99 years and 197 days. It reached...
(44594) 1999 Ox3, Closing The Controversy
(44594) 1999 OX3 is a centaur discovered in July of 1999. It has a perihelion of 17.6 AU and an aphelion of 47.2 AU. It has a diameter of about 192 km. (44594) 1999 OX3 is related with closing the controversy, like in the movies "Snow Falling on Cedars"...
(83982) Crantor, Thud
(83982) Crantor is a centaur in a 1:1 mean motion resonance with Uranus discovered in April of 2002. There are prediscovery images back to January of 2002 and April-March of 2001. The orbit is between Saturn-Uranus and Uranus-Neptune. It has a perihelion...
(8405) Asbolus, The Seer
(8405) Asbolus is a centaur discovered in April of 1995 and named in September of 1999. The orbit is between Jupiter and Neptune. It has a perihelion of 6.8 AU and an aphelion of 28.3 AU. It has a diameter of about 85 km. The perihelion is at 26º37'...
1994 Ta [pylenor], Mystic Connection With Nature
1994 TA [Pylenor] is a centaur discovered in October of 1994. The orbit is between Saturn and Uranus, but getting a bit beyond Uranus, entering into the Neptune's influence. It has a perihelion of 11.7 AU and an aphelion of 21.8 AU. It has a diameter...