2006 SF369, pushing to the limit

2006 SF369, pushing to the limit

2006 SF369 is a 1:3 resonant scattered disc binary object discovered in September of 2006. It has a perihelion of 39.0 AU and an aphelion of 85.9 AU (scattered disc object with medium aphelion). The companion was discovered in November of 2007 and announced in February of 2008. There is a prediscovery image back to 2005.

2006 SF369 has the emotional and social intelligence that allows to approach to the limit of a situation, taking the risks needed, like in the movies "Contraband" (2011), "Eight Below" (2006), "Cars" (2006), and "We Are Marshall" (2006). This approach to the limit is continuous, without great ups and downs (1:3 resonance), and usually implies an intense interaction with the environment.

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