Amir Taheri vs Bill Clinton

Amir Taheri vs Bill Clinton

In Iran we have various commentators, and Amir Taheri is regarded very highly. A long time ago he came visiting my dad, and I asked him about democracy in the time of HIM Shahanshah Aryamehr, and his reply was almost the copy of Putin's reply to Bush, when he was asked about the delay in democratic reforms in Russia. Iran at the time of the Shah was regarded one of the most important countries in the world due to its proximity to the then USSR. Just like the theocrats in Iran are protective of very open elections, so HIM was careful to make sure that applicants met minimum standards.

For Amir Taheri to mark Bill Clinton's Iranian Politics paper as a C minus is one thing, but to then to put down HIM is disrespectful and makes his argument weak. HIM stated time and time again that that which had to be done in Iran would be the same no matter who was in power. Much of the infrastructure projects were standard textbook solutions. It did not matter who was at the rudder of the ship. The route was the same. Commentators like Taheri have to make a living, but please do not insult our intelligence.

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