Astrology Alert--Grand Cardinal Cross (Aug 23 - 31)

Astrology Alert--Grand Cardinal Cross (Aug 23 - 31)

Venus, Wikipedia
If you woke up feeling in a rage and didn't know why or have been noticing a lot of media coverage about violence against women or children, we are experiencing a transiting Grand Cardinal Cross with Venus in Libra, Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn.  We have become used the Pluto/Uranus square and when Jupiter rolled into Cancer in June, we anticipated the T-Square with Jupiter/Pluto/Uranus, but now a fourth player Venus in Libra form the fourth corner.

(While some astrologers will place a positive spin on this Cross, I'm personally finding the energies horrendous and extremely challenging.  Just look at world events to give you an idea of the power of destruction represented by this Cross.  But of course after destruction comes recreation and hopefully greater balance).

A Grand Cross features oppositions and squares and anyone with Cardinal Sign planets (Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, and Libra) at 7 to 12 degrees will definitely feel the tension presented by these planets. Sure we could just endure the tension and anger that eats away at our minds and bodies or we can exercise vigorously (dance, go for a run, a long walk, or a workout that releases tension), spend as much time alone as possible to process your emotions (which will seem irrational and could come out as explosive bursts with Uranus and Pluto involved). Jupiter will exaggerate circumstances and blow arguments and disagreements out of portion and these arguments will most likely start from differences in religious and philosophical beliefs.  Since Venus is in Libra, women are targets for violent acts so it's best not to play any passive-aggressive games at this time, stay away from dangerous people or people who experience quick anger.  Now is not a time to engage in philosophical debates and it really is best to keep to oneself until this square passes.  And yet, we will still deal with the T-Square with Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus then later this fall, Mars moves into Libra.

Perhaps, what we experience now is a rehearsal for more challenging times ahead.  Stay safe.

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