Astrology of Rt. Hon. Margaret Beckett

Astrology of Rt. Hon. Margaret Beckett

It is so nice to see the back of Jack Straw, and see Rt. Hon. Margaret Beckett born 15 Jan 1943, a Capricorn with Moon in Taurus, Mercury and Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Cancer, Satrun and Uranus in Gemini, Neptune in Gemini, Pluto and North Node in Leo.

I love that pragmatism (Capricorn), political acumen (Aquarius), and zeal to explore (Mars in Sag.) foreign lands, and Wow with Jupiter exhalted in Cancer what could be better.

Well done Blair, just in the nice of time. Now let the women of the world, Rice, Beckett, and Merkel, sort out the mullahs for the women of Iran.

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