Astrology of the UK Airline Terror Threat

Astrology of the UK Airline Terror Threat

In Thwarting the Airline Plot: Inside the Investigation: TIME states:
Though the plot has all the hallmarks of an al Qaeda operation, U.S. officials cautioned that there isn't yet evidence of a direct link between the plotters and the organization's top leaders. 'We're not convinced this particular operation is connected to the al Qaeda chain of command,' Charles Allen, Chief of Intelligence for the Department of Homeland Security, told reporters on Thursday afternoon.
Not too sure on that. First of all we had the Full Moon, and then the Shi'ites use it as a very important holiday. The fact that the Full Moon delineates well with the slower moving planets, brings about a "coincidence" that can be "read" into. But the whole concept of having your birthday in a lunar calendar is wrong. So the Shi'ites use the Full Moon in Leo to mark an important event. Wow, big deal. There are so many other more powerful events going on, that they could have used, if they had the knowledge. That is why the whole fiasco failed. Don't mess with Saturn, which by the way links to Capricorn and the Yalda concept, linking to the three wise men and Christianity. And that Saturn is very close and friendly with the Sun. This cycle will keep repeating itself for a while, getting really heated up in the fall, especially when Mars starts to make a square or 90 degrees to Saturn which will be opposing the Islamic Republic's 22 Aquarius Sun.

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