He had the whole world listening and he blew it

He had the whole world listening and he blew it

After his coup d'etat, this baffoon Ahmadinejad told the whole world that he had a great plan and a new nuclear proposal. Everybody got excited, especially Jack Straw and El Baradei, and so they allowed a terrorist hostage taker to turn up in the UN. So what does he do? He decides to cry like a baby and to blast at US. He had his opportunity, and he blew it. He had the whole world in front of him, and he talked about monotheism. So sad. I think even by mullah standards he is pitifully awful and embarrassing. This street sweeper is dumb and totally out of touch. He is neither professional or mediocre. He is just a sad situation, and he knows it. The seminary in Qom must be really depressed and shell shocked. And we are all laughing. What a joker. The mullahs must be livid with him. Good.

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