Iran Starts Building New Nuclear Plant - Diplomats

Iran Starts Building New Nuclear Plant - Diplomats

It is amazing how much Iran's activities are being brought to the forefront. A lot of old news is being repeated over and over again.

Iran Starts Building New Nuclear Plant - Diplomats

- Running Out Of Plates
I must admit I did not believe I would see the news that China Welcomes EU Incentives for Iran, Russia Won't Support Force. Obviously there is a lot at stake for the Chinese in loss of business with USA. Just think of the amount of trade that would...

- Moon-uranus Triggers Enrichment And Escalation
It is really interesting to read that Iran postpones talks on nuclear solution; may withdraw from treaty, starts enrichment, and therefore the situation gets escalated, just when the Moon starts to oppose Uranus. By this time next week it will be even...

- Pax Iranica
For how long have we heard that Sanctions 'not best' option on Iran? This tactic really does work so well doesn't it. To state that "First of all we should be doing our utmost for the IAEA to professionally collect the maximum amount of information......

- Rafsanjani Mentions The Shah
One day Rafsanjani pops into the Shah's office and looks through his drawers and finds documents on Nuclear Energy and Atomic bombs. He then sees all the agreements that the Shah has made regarding Non-Proliferation. Not understanding the word proliferation,...

- History Repeats Itself, But Not Exactly.
With all the hoo haa about the Nuclear Crisis in Iran, history has repeated itself, but with some changes. This of course makes sense astrologically as the planetary delineations are influencing the horoscopes all the time. In the time of HIM Shahanshah...

