Letter to: Margaret Kimberley: Let Iran have the bomb

Letter to: Margaret Kimberley: Let Iran have the bomb

I just wrote this letter to Margaret Kimberley in response to Let Iran have the bomb

I was hoping to see whether you had a proposal of how
to get rid of the mad mullah in Iran, who was not
democratically elected, but was rather theocratically

The best way to remove any alien force in a country is
for the people of the country to have a General

That in itself is not any easy feat. But the
autocratic regime knows that if the world press, and
especially well known commentators, such as yourself,
who get space on the media, do ask what would happen
to the autocrats if there was a General Strike, then
maybe the autocrats would realise how weak their
mandate is.

So please do all the people in Iran's Non-Violent
Movement a favour, and present a Non Violent solution
for getting rid of these monsters in Iran.

It is rather sad that so many left wing commentators do not know about the roots of Human Rights in Iran as founded in Zoroastrianism and later by Cyrus the Great in the Declaration of Human Rights. I am not a right winger, but as a nationalist, I feel embarassed that the right wing in the US is actually doing its home work.

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