Nowrooz Iranian New Year / Vernal Equinox is at 17:32:32 GMT not 17:32:13 GMT.

Nowrooz Iranian New Year / Vernal Equinox is at 17:32:32 GMT not 17:32:13 GMT.

As an Astrologer I can tell you that the Vernal Equinox is at 17:32:32 GMT not 17:32:13 GMT.

Someone in Iran is making this mistake every year. Ask any Astronomer or Astrologer and they will tell you. I am located in UK. I do not know who it is in Iran who makes this mistake.

If you are not sure then go to this link. It will show you after it has read your computer's time.

Happy Spring to all in the North and Happy Autumn to all in the South of Earth.

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