One True Astrological Reality?

One True Astrological Reality?

I have been asked how it can be that the 27 Mansions of Vedic astrology and the 28 Mansions are so different. For example, the Vedic Mansions have a set of planetary rulers that correlate to a particular repeating sequence of planets rather than the qualities of the mansions themselves.

I think one of the basic tenets of the modern world view is that there is "one reality" Scientists insist that they can prove a fact or proposition definitively right or wrong, or it simply isn't worth considering. Fundamentalists are sure they have the one true faith and that everybody else is going straight to hell. Alternatively we have a sort of wishy-washy ecumenical cultural relativism that can't judge anything.

The Arabic Mansions (which we use) and the Vedic Mansions are simply different systems. I am no more worried about them having differences than I am about the fact that Western music uses different scales than Indian ragas.

Another problem with the "one true reality" filter is it tends to induce the idea that since the planets are the planets, the signs are the signs, and the Mansions are the Mansions that we can simply mix together elements from a variety of systems together. The problem is that the meaning of the elements of the systems derives, to a great extent, from their relationship to other elements in the system. Middle C means nothing on its own, but the octave or 7th or 5th intervals are key! We are much more accustomed to analysis, which involves individual elements, than synthesis, which is a more systemic approach, yet it is synthesis that is the key to astrological prediction.

Thus mixing astrological systems, like mixing musical systems, is likely to produce cacophony, unless one has mastered both systems on a deep level. There is no one that I am aware of, who is a master of Western traditional and Vedic astrology, and thus capable of this task.

Here is more on The Mansions of the Moon

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