Responding to: Ladjevardian: Principled responses U.S. should make toward Iran

Responding to: Ladjevardian: Principled responses U.S. should make toward Iran

I had to drop a line to Ladjevardian who highlighted a very important feathure in Iranian societly when he wrote Ladjevardian: Principled responses U.S. should make toward Iran.

The text of my letter is below:

You state that you are a Muslim. I bet that you put
the Koran on your Haftseen as well. Well that is
exactly where the people of Iran make their biggest

I am afraid folks like you need to understand the
roots of the Iranian culture, and what Salman Parsi
did to Iran. You cannot celebrate Nowrouz, and be a
Muslim. These two ideology are completely opposite.
One refutes death under any circumstance, and is in
the here and now, the other glorifies death, and
believes in the here and after.

I do however appreciate your politics of non-violence.
But you do not show the way to do it. There are
plenty of ways to do it, and it requires the world
press to ask; the United States government to ask;
what the alien autocracy in Iran will do in light of a
General Strike.

Obviously organizing a General Strike is not easy, but
the thought of one, should be enough to make the
autocrats in the world worry.

I personally believe the roots of all our problems
comes from the very fact that people will use some
ideology to justify killing. Islamic doctorine is
very clear about killing, and it is very important
that you not Human Rights with Islam.

If you feel like him, then answer me back here. I am sure a lot of Iranians, who do not know better, do speak like him.

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