The Iranian New Year Nowrooz 05:48:36 GMT or 08:18:36 AM Iran Time

The Iranian New Year Nowrooz 05:48:36 GMT or 08:18:36 AM Iran Time

It is just amazing how the authorities in Iran cannot even get the exact time of the Vernal Equinox right. It is at 08:18:36 AM in Iran on Thursday the 20th of March. This is a scientific fact. They always start it 17 seconds too soon at 08:18:19 AM Teheran time. Why I do not know.

Now it is not very often that you get Mars opposite Pluto square Sun on the Equinox, following a partial Eclipse over Iran the month before. And never mind the awful aspects of Saturn to Venus and Mercury.

Big changes are afoot in Iran. And about time too. It has taken too long to get this kind of change.

Ya Ahura!

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