The Super-Intellect Being

The Super-Intellect Being

Treading slowly and observing keenly, Zarathushtra finally discovered Mazda Ahura, literally "The Super-Intellect Being", a god so different from the human-visualized gods, a god transcendental and yet so close as to be a beloved, a god very impersonal in mind but very personal in thoughts, a god that means only good. A Super-Intellect that wisely creates, sustains, maintains, and promotes Its creation. A Super-Intellect that is "spenishta mainyu," meaning "the Most Progressive Mind," the most increasing mentality and not a static godhead. A Super-Intellect that communions with Its creations and inspires them through "seraosha" the inner-voice within them. A Super-Intellect that has granted freedom of thought, will, word, action, and choice to creations and endowed them with good mind, truth, power, and peace to prosper and progress to wholeness and immortality. ... Zarathushtra's one discovery, the best, MAZDA, provided him with all the principles of good life on this earth and beyond. Provoked by his mother when he was a child, he became "Mathran," thought-provoker par excellence for humanity. He laid the foundation of his universal religion, "Daena Vanguhi," the religion of "Good Conscience", the religion that means constant progress, continuous modernization toward eternal bliss.


- Sun And Venus Conjunct Scheat - A Brave New Dawn Is Coming.
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- Mars Conjunct Scheat - Being Brave And Using Your Intelligence
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- Iran Astrology: A New Vision For Archaeologists.
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- Iranian Christmas Called Yalda
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- Hard Or Soft Approach To Iranians
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