Iranians are not Islamists

Iranians are not Islamists

The article Mullahs of Iran battle mullahs of Washington pretty much sums up all the mistakes of your average secular anti-US anti mullah political point of view. There are loads of people, who do not like the warmongering attitude of Bush or Ahmadinejad. But most people dare not challenge these two proselytizing autocrats. Both Bush and Ahmadinejad have ideals that they think are "iron clad". They both think that their arguments are watertight and the most ideal.

In the case of Bush, we are told that the spread of democracy is what one has to go to war about. In the case of Ahmadinejad, we are told that the spread of Shi'ite Islamist ideology is paramount. Ahmadinejad has siphoned billions of Iran oil in the name of "research" to build nuclear warheads, and bring Iran in eyes of the world to danger.

We are told by the world that the Iranian people support Ahmadinejad. Let's look at this carefully. No one in Iran wants Iran to be in harms way. The only people who want to put themselves in harms way, are suicidal maniacs, and there are quite a few of them in Iran. But they are not Iranians. There is then a very clear difference between Iranian and Islamists, who care not about Iran, or the world. They want to blow the whole world up, in some Armageddon scenario, in preparation for their 12th Imam.

All Iranians know this. No Iranian wants to be a part of this suicidal crusade that Ahmadinejad is creating. Now the people of Iran are under a massive 1 million or more civilian force called the Basij, and they cannot do anything about it. Every person is watched and monitored. But what is really embarrassing is how the press of the world refuses to acknowledge this. The world press thinks that the people of Iran are behind Ahmadinejad as he puts Iran in danger.

But the people of Iran know very well that they do not approve in making Iran susceptible to attacks, because of the unyielding attitude the Islamists have to world order. Iranians do not want a government that puts its people in danger, and blames foreign influences. The people of Iran know that it is the Islamists that are creating trouble for the people of Iran.

So no one listens to the Islamists anymore. Why? Because Iranians know that all that the Islamists need to do in order to carry on with their research is to openly admit to not wanting to "wipe-out" Israel or anywhere else. But they will not say that, and moreover are breaking all the confidence the world had of them.

The Islamists in Iran do not represent the people of Iran, and it is high time the world press realized the the people will not rally behind people like Ahmadinejad, as he is seen as the biggest alien in Iran. Why worry about other countries, when there are aliens called Islamists in Iran right now.

So the world press needs to realize that the Islamists are the people who are the aliens, and who are subjugating the people of Iran. They have their own standing army called Basij, that has besieged every road in every town of Iran.

The people of Iran know this. The people have been fighting the Basij, tooth and nail, for years. One of the best ways they have been preparing themselves, has been to prepare for the day, when there is a general strike, and the whole country comes to a standstill, because no one leaves their homes.

One day the Islamists will not be able to function in Iran, and as aliens will have to leave Iran and go peacefully to southern Iraq where they belong. Iranians are the sons and daughters of Zoroaster and Cyrus the Great, wish no harm to the world, and will through non-violence lead the Islamists out of Iran. All that is needed is for the world press to understand that.

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