

Oh Kendra~

I got a call from the British hospital late last night about Sophie. She had gone on ?pilgrimage? to Lindisfarne?which she?d never told me about? I had no idea that her dream to walk to the Holy Island ?through the waters? to her sacred site meant crossing dangerous undertows of incredibly fast tides. I had no idea she planned to walk at night, by herself through the waters?it was a New Moon last night, and it must have been very dark. I still don?t know if she knew how many ?pilgrims? had died this way; people like her, who didn?t swim, and got caught in the undertow.

Was she risking all for God? Was she depressed? Manic? Suicidal or---?enraptured??

I?m leaving tomorrow?.they said she had a concussion and was barely conscious by the time someone found her and pulled her out of the water?she had lashed herself by her belt to a pole that wasn?t that far from the island.

I feel so ashamed. I never told you that my daughter, Sophie is a Christian fundamentalist; the ?only daughter of an astrologer??ah... I feel Sophie must feel ashamed of me. Why do these beliefs come between us? Why did she go there? Was she hoping to become more?..faithful?

Will write more when I find out what?s happened?.I?m off to England, to Lindisfarne, to the nearest little hospital in ?Berwick-on-Tweed?. I wonder if they contacted her father, Alistair too?I can?t imagine seeing him again after five years?.and meeting him this way.

!!!~ Isabelle

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