Yearning to Reconcile: Christian fundamentalism, Celtic Spirituality and Jungian Astrology

Yearning to Reconcile: Christian fundamentalism, Celtic Spirituality and Jungian Astrology

Dear Isabelle~

I was touched by your willingness to get over the mask of the teacher--the ?persona mask? and so poignantly tell me the story about meeting up again with Alistair and Sophie?and your yearning to heal the splits among you. This photo of a ?split open rock? that I?m sending, reminded me of the pain of that ?severance? I hear in your also reminds me of the resurrection story of Jesus when he split open the tomb. Ah?breaking open and breaking through?what a challenge! I love that you?re also yearning to heal your own spiritual split---that space within you that puts you into the place of ?the reluctant astrologer? at times?I?m only just beginning to get a sense of what that is about?

So?how will you find the middle ground between Sophie?s Christian fundamentalism, Alistair?s cerebral spirituality, and your more pagan astrology?? Are you thinking it could be through Celtic Spirituality? Maybe the history (or ?her-story?) will be found in the numinous stones at the monastery ruins of Whitby and will open Sophie?s heart. I imagine that?s why you?ve chosen to take her there?since it was a woman abbess, St Hilda, who governed this ancient monastery that gave both men and woman a chance to ?be monks? and to honor both Christian and older earth/nature centered beliefs. I read somewhere too, that she mentored a lowly cow-herder into becoming a famous poet?I wonder if they were in love? ~grin~ And, I wonder? what will happen when you meet up with Alistair again in Switzerland--in ?Jung?s land; in his temonos/sacred space??

I?ve started doing charts for other people, but I have questions for you. People are wanting to know more astrology now, especially with all the fear around 2012 and not understanding this shift between the Piscean Age to the Aquarian age, and how this Cardinal T-square between Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus will usher it in.

So?I need to understand it in my own chart first. And I need to know how to approach doing a chart for another person. What do I start with? How do I see what?s really important in the chart and how can I avoid being a predictor of fear?like the astrologer who was predicting only ?endings? in my Saturn Return? There?s so much information out there, but how do you suggest I do a reading? How do I get a sense of how a client (or myself) will play out, and live into the transits? Especially when they look ?hard? to my beginner?s eye?.till later then~

~with love?~Kendra

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